Building Income on Demand

After more than 6 years working in the digital marketing industry, we have Finally decided to give you access to all our knowledge for less than your daily cup of coffee

marketing Strategies and tactics that work, get it all in one place!

Daniil Kulayev

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Daniil Kulayev & Alex Thoric

Alex Thoric

Here is the small fraction of what you will get when you join our community right now:

(Small or big, new or skilled, our strategies are working for everybody)

Read this first....

Dear Entrepreneur,

We're glad to have you here.

We know that the world of business is unpredictable and things change quite fast these days.

But we also know even though it's unpredictable that doesn't mean your business should suffer.

It's quite opposite, your business should have systems that can bring in clients on a daily basis no matter if the economy is bad or everything goes nuts like it happened in 2020.

You probably heard the saying "You're the average of 5 people you spend your time with".

With that in mind we wanted to create a safe place for entrepreneurs, a community where you can find everything that's related to mindset, marketing, systems, automation and sales in one place and also share experiences with other entrepreneurs in the space.

We are dedicated to assisting entrepreneurs and small business owners in creating effective marketing strategies, systems, and implementing marketing automation and AI to transform your business.

Our belief is firmly rooted in the notion that in today's fast-paced world, entrepreneurs often find themselves overwhelmed with the need to hustle. We offer a different approach - one that encourages you to hustle less and earn more.

Our mission is to help solopreneurs & business owners transform more lives, build profitable businesses and realize your entrepreneurial aspirations.

We have over 12 years of experience working in the digital marketing industry and having over 200+ happy clients who are very successful in their business today.

If you are serious about taking action and you are ready to head down a proven path to predictably growing your business, you know what to do next...


- Daniil & Alex

Benefits Of Being Our Member

Weekly Live Videos

(337$ value)

We are going to answer all the question that you will have during our weekly live calls. Also every week we choose topic that will help you to boost your business.

Daily 24/7 Support (977$ value)

Whenever you need help with your marketing or question that you have about your marketing strategy, we are here for you 24/7!

Monthly Masterclass

(977$ value)

Once a month we are going to choose topics such as Facebook ads, google ads, LinkedIn ads, website creation, landing page creation, video marketing, social media management and etc... And we are going to give you a full masterclass that is going to be recorded and be available to you.

Full Course on

Digital Marketing (2977$ value)

As membership subscription you will also have access to our full and unique course about the power of digital marketing. It includes strategies that we have used for our clients to bring amazing results.

Private Facebook Group (97$ value)

Join community of entrepreneurs that are willing to learn marketing strategies and look what other people are using to boost their sales.

Benefits Of Being

Our Member

Weekly Live Videos

(337$ value)

We are going to answer all the question that you will have during our weekly live calls. Also every week we choose topic that will help you to boost your business.

Daily 24/7 Support

(977$ value)

Whenever you need help with your marketing or question that you have about your marketing strategy, we are here for you 24/7!

Monthly Masterclass

(977$ value)

Once a month we are going to choose topics such as Facebook ads, google ads, LinkedIn ads, website creation, landing page creation, video marketing, social media management and etc... And we are going to give you a full masterclass that is going to be recorded and be available to you.

Full Course on

Digital Marketing (2977$ value)

As membership subscription you will also have access to our full and unique course about the power of digital marketing. It includes strategies that we have used for our clients to bring amazing results.

Private Facebook Group

(97$ value)

Join community of entrepreneurs that are willing to learn marketing strategies and look what other people are using to boost their sales.

You Will Also Get...

Digital Marketing Tools (227$ value)

You will have access to all the digital marketing tools we are using for our clients all those years, and we continue to test new tools month after month. So you will be always up to date with the tools you can use for your business.

Personalized Strategy Sessions (227$ value)

Every month we are going to choose one of the members in the group and we are going to build marketing strategy from scratch. We are also going to follow up on how this strategy is going so far and if it is necessary optimize it.

Library Of More Than 30 eBooks (197$ value)

You will have access to all our pdfs, eBooks, sheets and docs we have been using for the past 6 years. And when we are going to have new materials you will also have access to them with your subscription.

Insights Of The Best Marketing Strategies (997$ value)

We have learned from the best marketers in the world and we are so happy to give you all the insights from best strategies in digital marketing and basically help you to apply them to your business.

Monthly Challenges and Wins (97$ value)

On a weekly basis we are going to give some digital marketing challenges in our private group. You can even win prizes if you are going to be performant and productive.

You Will Also Get...

Digital Marketing Tools

(227$ value)

You will have access to all the digital marketing tools we are using for our clients all those years, and we continue to test new tools month after month. So you will be always up to date with the tools you can use for your business.

Personalized Strategy Sessions

(227$ value)

Every month we are going to choose one of the members in the group and we are going to build marketing strategy from scratch. We are also going to follow up on how this strategy is going so far and if it is necessary optimize it.

Library Of More Than 30 eBooks

(197$ value)

You will have access to all our pdfs, eBooks, sheets and docs we have been using for the past 6 years. And when we are going to have new materials you will also have access to them with your subscription.

Insights Of The Best Marketing Strategies (997$ value)

We have learned from the best marketers in the world and we are so happy to give you all the insights from best strategies in digital marketing and basically help you to apply them to your business.

Monthly Challenges and Wins

(97$ value)

On a weekly basis we are going to give some digital marketing challenges in our private group. You can even win prizes if you are going to be performant and productive.

Who Is This For

  • Real Estate Professionals

  • Insurance Insurance

  • Spa Owners

  • Gym Owners

  • Coaches

  • Any Solopreneur

This is for you if you want to:

  • Get more leads

  • Sell your services to qualified people

  • Grow your business and bring it to the next level

  • Figure out which marketing strategy you should use

  • Automate your marketing so you can focus on serving your clients

Who Is This Not For

  • Someone who is not serious about their business

  • Someone who is not willing to learn new things

  • Someone who doesn't want to automate their marketing

  • Someone who is okay using only newspapers, flyers and TV ads

Here Is Some More Bonuses For You



Never run out of ideas on what to post on your social media with those 99 ideas. Can be used for any industry.



Get all our Facebook ads templates to catch attention of your potential customers and motivate them to give you their contact information.



You will have immediate access to all our winning landing pages that actually convert leads into customers.



Receive our unique sales scripts that we used for our clients to boost their sales and bring more cash into their pocket.

Total value of $7,110, only $47/month if you enroll today!

Who Is This For

  • Real Estate Brokers

  • Insurance Brokers

  • Spa Owners

  • Gym Owners

  • Coaches

  • Any Solopreneur

This is for you if you want to:

  • Get more leads

  • Sell your services to qualified people

  • Grow your business and bring it to the next level

  • Figure out which marketing strategy you should use

  • Automate your marketing so you can focus on serving your clients

Who Is This Not For

  • Someone who is not serious about their business

  • Someone who is not willing to learn new things

  • Someone who doesn't want to automate their marketing

  • Someone who is okay using only newspapers, flyers and TV ads

Here Is Some More Bonuses For You



Never run out of ideas on what to post on your social media with those 99 ideas. Can be used for any industry.



Get all our Facebook ads templates to catch attention of your potential customers and motivate them to give you their contact information.



You will have immediate access to all our winning landing pages that actually convert leads into customers.



Receive our unique sales scripts that we used for our clients to boost their sales and bring more cash into their pocket.

Total value of $7,110 only 47$/month if you enroll today!

All right... look at what others are saying about us:

Ok, ok, ok you want some more proof? Here it is:

you're getting all this and even more for only $47/Month

Building income on demand 2024. All rights reserved